I appreciate the call to action at the end, it actually made me feel like it’s not all over before it even began and I could do at least something about this whole horrible mess.

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I feel like that “an object in motion stays in motion” about staying active in life reallt resonates with me lolol

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Wow, that "obeying in advance" quote feels prophetic. Was waiting to dive into a post by you. Not disappointed at all.

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🥹🥹🫶🫶 much more to come - hopefully not too deep to get lost but i do love it

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Thanks for writing this, Tepper, and making this post free to read. (Sorry, not a paid subscriber at the moment!) You make a lot of good points about the scary times we're entering we're entering as an industry, country, and world.

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Oh god never apologize!! Scary times indeed but we will get through it !!!

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genuinely wonderful read. encapsulates so many of the feelings and fears I have right now. i've been wanting to read on tyranny for a while, but this is pushing it higher on my tbr for sure

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Hey Tepper,

I feel the same way. But keep creating. It is in these times that some of the most creative work gets made. Hugs and love my dear.

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<3 we've got this!

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Thank you for writing this... my husband and I both work in the industry... or we did. Our careers have slowly been crumbling for the last few years. Adding Dark Money to my To Read list!

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Thank you!! and I feel it... ugh got into the industry in about 2018, started writing (seriously) in 2020 and since then it's been... WOWZA. Sending good vibes your way!!!

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Thanks for writing this, glad I’m not alone in seeing the media shift happening. Also Dark Money is such an essential read. I try to get everyone I can to read it

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If it helps, statistically more Americans identitfy as left-of-center than ever before in the country's history. It sure doesn't *feel* like it, but a lot of the last 8 years has been the Right's response to a shrinking majority - dark money, gerrymandered districts, misinformation, etc. And of course a lot of those who call themselves liberal or progressive didn't show up this latest election, especially amoung the youth vote, perhaps because they tend to be more easily disillusioned. And the Democratic Party, as a party, are largely shit at the ongoing information wars. Lots has to change, but the foundation is there.

Knee-jerk resistance to an increasing progressivism turns out the Right and "Independents" like sugar brings out ants. We're in a strange and somewhat savage time, where we're encountering an intense resistance to something that, likely, given the generational shift, will happen inevitably, if we can keep our rights intact until then. It's gonna be bad for a while. Social media (including Substack) is not owned by those on our side, but let's use it as best we can vs. it using us.

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Oh, wow….now I’m regretting that I paid for a year in advance. You are certainly entitled to your opinion - it’s your Substack, after all, but I thought your focus was tips for the industry. I’m sure you believe that you are warning people about how the election outcome will affect the industry, but there was a lot of disgust for conservatism embedded in this piece, which I can get for free elsewhere.

I hope that you can find the good in the months to come - maybe it won’t be as terrible as you are predicting.

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